1–10: Employment and Contracts
What are employment rights?
Answer: Legal protections for workers, including fair pay, safe working conditions, and freedom from discrimination.
Can an employer ask about my age, race, or marital status during an interview?
Answer: No, such questions may violate anti-discrimination laws unless directly relevant to the job.
Do I have to sign an employment contract?
Answer: While not mandatory in all cases, a signed contract ensures clarity on terms and conditions.
Read Also:
- https://insightfullawhelp.com/20-service-law-questions-employees-should-ask-2/
- https://insightfullawhelp.com/25-common-service-law-disputes-and-their-resolutions/
- https://insightfullawhelp.com/40-faqs-about-service-law-for-employers-and-employees/
What should an employment contract include?
Answer: Details like job title, duties, pay, benefits, work hours, and termination terms.
Can my employer change my job role without my consent?
Answer: Changes within the scope of your contract are permissible; significant changes may require mutual agreement.
Am I entitled to a written job offer?
Answer: While not always required, a written offer ensures clarity on employment terms.
What is the difference between a probationary period and regular employment?
Answer: Probationary periods allow employers to evaluate performance, often with limited benefits or easier termination.
Can I negotiate my employment terms?
Answer: Yes, employees can negotiate salary, benefits, and other terms before accepting a job.
What is “at-will” employment?
Answer: A system where either party can terminate employment at any time, except for illegal reasons.
Am I entitled to know why I wasn’t hired?
Answer: Employers are not obligated to state reasons, but openness is encouraged.
11–20: Rights in the Workplace
What is workplace discrimination?
Answer: Unequal treatment based on protected attributes such as race, gender, religion, age, or disability.
What is workplace harassment?
Answer: Unwanted behavior that creates a hostile work environment, including sexual harassment or bullying.
What are my rights to breaks and meal periods?
Answer: Varies by jurisdiction, but most jurisdictions require rest breaks and meal periods after certain hours of work.
Can I refuse overtime?
Answer: It depends on your contract and local laws; however, some jobs require mandatory overtime.
Am I entitled to a safe working environment?
Answer: Yes, employers must comply with health and safety regulations to protect employees.
What can I do if I feel unsafe at work?
Answer: Report hazards to your employer or regulatory bodies like OSHA for corrective action.
Can my employer monitor my emails or internet usage?
Answer. Employers can monitor usage on company devices or networks, if they follow privacy laws.
Am I allowed to unionize?
Answer. Yes, most employees are permitted to join or create a union to collectively bargain with employers.
Can my employer retaliate against me for filing a complaint?
Answer. Retaliation for legal complaints is actually prohibited by labor laws.
Can I talk about my salary with coworkers?
Answer: Most laws support employee rights to talk about wages as a step to pay openness.
21–30: Termination and Post-Employment
What is wrongful termination?
Answer: It means the employer dismisses the employee for an unlawful reason like discrimination or revenge.
Do I get notice before I get terminated?
Answer: That would depend upon contract or state laws; sometimes at-will employees do not get notice
What is severance pay, and when am I entitled to it?
Answer: Compensation upon termination, usually through contract or company policy.
Can I be fired for whistleblowing?
Answer: No, whistleblower protections protect employees who make legal violations.
What is constructive dismissal?
Answer: When an employer creates unbearable conditions that lead to the resignation of an employee.
What happens to unused vacation days when terminating?
Answer: In most regions, employers have to pay for unused vacation unless otherwise stated in the policy.
Can my employer enforce a non-compete clause?
Answer: Different; clauses have to be of reasonable scope, geography, and duration.
What happens to my benefits when the employment is terminated?
Answer: Employees can stay on the benefit for a temporary period, say COBRA for health insurance in the US.
Am I entitled to get an experience letter after leaving my job?
Answer: Yes in some jurisdictions. Otherwise, depends on the policy of the employer.
Can I sue my employer for unfair treatment?
Answer: Yes, in case of violations of labor law or breach of contract.