1–5: General Rights
Do students have constitutional rights in school?
Answer: Yes, students retain constitutional rights, such as free speech and equal protection, though these may be limited to maintain order and safety.
Can schools limit students’ freedom of speech?
Answer: Schools can restrict speech if it disrupts the learning environment or violates policies, but they cannot suppress protected speech without valid reasons.
Do students have the right to express religious beliefs?
Answer: Yes, students can practice their religion as long as it does not interfere with school operations or force others to do so.
Can schools make students recite the Pledge of Allegiance?
Answer: No, the First Amendment prohibits forcing students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Do students have a right to privacy in school?
Answer: Students have limited rights to privacy. For instance, the school can search a locker or personal property if there is reasonable suspicion.
6–10: Discipline and Behavior
May schools suspend or expel students for relatively minor offenses?
Answer: Disciplinary actions must be commensurate, and due process is necessary when a significant penalty, such as suspension or expulsion, is proposed.
What are students’ rights in a disciplinary hearing?
Answer: Students are entitled to notice of charges, an opportunity to respond, and representation by a parent or advocate.
May schools discipline students for activities outside school?
Answer: Yes, if the behavior substantially interferes with the school environment or violates school policies.
Can students be disciplined for protesting at school?
Answer: Peaceful protests are protected, but schools can place reasonable restrictions to prevent disruption to education.
Can schools enforce dress codes?
Answer: Yes, but dress codes cannot discriminate or violate free expression rights.
11–15: Academic and Testing Rights
Do students have the right to see their grades and records?
Answer: Yes, FERPA-style laws allow the students-and their parents-access to student educational records.
Can the student refuse standardized testing?
Answer: Some states allow opt outs, but sanctions will vary. States or districts can set up different policies
Can schools base grades on race, gender, and other student personal characteristics?
Answer: No, student grading must occur based on individual performance and may not be a product of some discriminatory factor: race, for example, or gender.
What happens if a teacher falsely accuses a student of cheating?
Answer: Students can appeal disciplinary actions through the school’s grievance process.
Do students with disabilities have the right to testing accommodations?
Answer: Yes, under IDEA and Section 504, students with disabilities are entitled to necessary accommodations.
16–20: Special Education and Disability Rights
What is the right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE)?
Answer: Students with disabilities are entitled to individualized educational services free of charge to the family under IDEA.
Can schools deny special education services to a qualifying student?
Answer: No, schools must assess and provide services if a student qualifies under IDEA or Section 504.
How is an Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed?
Answer: The IEP is developed by collaboration among parents, teachers, and specialists to address the unique needs of a student.
Can a student with a disability be disciplined for behaviors that are manifestations of their disability?
Answer: Disciplinary actions must consider whether the behavior was caused by the disability and comply with IDEA protections.
What are the rights of parents if they disagree with an IEP?
Answer: Parents can demand mediation, file a due process complaint, or appeal to higher authority.
21–25 Bullying, Safety, and Other Matters
What rights do students have if they are bullied in school?
Answer: Schools are legally responsible to act against bullying and ensure safety at school.
Do students have the right to bring cell phones to school?
Answer: Each school can enact its own rules; however, restrictions cannot be unreasonable or discriminatory.
Do students have the right to participate in extracurricular activities?
Answer: Availability must be equally available, however, eligibility may occur through grades, behavior, and so on.
Can schools vaccinate?
Answer: Yes they can, provided that exemptions shall be given with medical or due to religious condition in some areas.
Can pupils sue schools against violations of students’ rights?
Answer: Provided that the administration remedies have exhausted, students shall file a complaint.